About the Artist
"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” - Jacques Yves Cousteau
I’m a full-time, self-taught artist living in Florida. I grew up in a family of artists and have been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. As a young girl, I spent many happy hours playing with watercolors and pencils, creating portraits of myself and my sisters and little paintings of our cats. I was a daydreamer and would think up all sorts of wonderful stories and adventures, usually involving mermaids.
When I enrolled in college, I chose to study elementary education instead of art because it seemed like a more practical choice. Within a few years, I got married and soon my first son was on the way.
While pregnant, I painted a mural for my baby in his nursery room, and was later commissioned by a church to paint a huge mural. That led to additional large-scale commission requests. After my second son was born, I shifted my focus from murals to smaller paintings and phased out commission work.
I currently paint people, animals and scenes that are born of my imagination. I have several distinct styles of working which I sometimes fuse together. Although I don’t believe the figures in my paintings look like me, they’re all self-portraits to some degree. To me, painting is a form of story-telling, and every one of my paintings has a story. I believe in the old saying: “the eyes are the window to the soul.” They are the most important part of my paintings, and they’re also my favorite feature to work on.
I’m a voracious reader and feel most at home when I’m by the sea. I care deeply for all living beings - something I hope to communicate through my work. Compassion for others is what led me to become vegetarian when I was a young girl, and it continues to drive my choices today as a vegan.
I feel incredibly lucky to spend my days creating artwork to share with others and am so grateful for your interest in my work. Thank you from my heart! -Sarah
I do not accept private commissions. Inquiries about my artwork can be made at the galleries I am represented in or by using the contact form here.